With that said, I haven't had much time to address my other great passion, global education. I have been in fairly regular contact with my amazing Brazilian host teacher (mostly via Facebook chats) and I am hoping that once the dust settles at the new job, we can put something substantial together - perhaps a collaborative photo essay project, an ad campaign (PSA) for a social issue our schools may have in common (bullying comes to mind), or ideally, a student exchange program. I will keep you posted as things develop.
Meanwhile, since our second IREX Global Education Symposium is quickly approaching, I thought it would be convenient to showcase all of the videos I shot which document our trip to Brazil here in a single post. I am really proud of how there clips capture what my fellow teachers and I experienced while visiting this beautiful and diverse country. I think I can speak on behalf of the other Brazil IREXers when I say that it was a life-changing journey for us all. Thanks again to IREX for providing us all with Sony Bloggies! It proved to be invaluable, as it is a small, inconspicuous, yet high quality camera.
DAY ONE - Brasilia, D.F.
DAY TWO - Brasilia, D.F.
DAY THREE - Brasilia, D.F.
DAY FOUR - Brasilia, D.F.
DAY FIVE - Brasilia D.F.
A video of my school in the U.S. that I shared with Brazilian students - it was a big hit!
DAY SIX - Japeri, Rio de Janeiro
DAY SEVEN - Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro
DAY EIGHT - Rio de Janeiro (Copacabana, Sugar Loaf)
DAY ELEVEN - Downtown Rio and more.
DAY TWELVE (PART ONE) - Nilopolis, Rio de Janeiro
DAY TWELVE (PART TWO) - Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro
I also shot hundreds of pictures while in Brazil which I will post to Flickr shortly (the link will be provided here if you are interested). Brazilians love getting their pictures taken, as you can see in the videos above. And there is certainly no shortage of beautiful scenery to photograph, too.
Believe it or not, I still have so much to write about Brazil. I hope to find the time in the upcoming weeks to detail our meetings with the diplomats at the US Embassy in Brasilia, the city of Brasilia itself, and more information concerning the Brazilian school system as it strives to serve as the underpinning of a powerful and globally relevant 21st Century Brazil.
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